Thursday, February 28, 2013

Make your own Fabric Softner

Who doesn’t like to use fabric softener in their laundry? I know I do, but I get tired of spending money on the product. Here is my solution: Try saving an old fabric softener or detergent bottled (make sure you rinse it out well). Using a funnel carefully pours the following items into the rinsed out bottle:

·         2 cups vinegar

·         2 cups baking soda

·         4 cups hot water

Make sure you are careful when adding the baking soda in, does it very slowly because it will foam up on you. Place the cap back on the bottle and shake gently from side to side, carefully reopen the cap to allow some air to escape. Add about 20 drops of your favorite essential oil smell.

Before each use shake the bottle from, because the baking soda will settle to the bottom of the bottle. Pour just past the line in the fabric dispenser, and toss the ball in and that's it. This cheap and environmentally friendly version. It's safe to use on your children's sleepwear. It doesn't diminish the absorbency of your towels or clothes because it does not coat the fabric.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Make your own Fabric Freshner

With the ever rising cost of just about everything we use, I have been finding ways on saving money where ever I could. I love to use fabric freshner to freshen up the house. I found that I can make my own freshener for quite a bit less.

What you will need:

A spray bottle

1 part baking soda

1 part fabric softener

2 part warm water


All you do is mix all three of these ingredients in the spray bottle and enjoy the fresh smell of your own homemade fabric freshener. It can be a great money saver especially if you spray your couches, rugs and other items quite a bit. If you want a certian smell from the frabric freshner like say Lavender just a few drops of essentail oils to the spray bottle and give it a gental few shakes and spray away, and enjoy the smell of a fresh home.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Helpful ways to reduce stress in your life

Do you ever feel stressed? Yeah I know it’s a silly question. Modern life can bring so many worries, fears and anxieties that you probably feel stressed at least occasionally … and even perhaps a lot more often than that. You could be facing a demanding boss, a difficult colleague, a mountain of debt, a rebellious family member, or even a computer that’s crashed and taken all your files with it, stress often seems like an inevitable part of everyday life.

For the most part, it’s not a realistic prospect to avoid stressful situations altogether. Instead, you have to find ways to reduce your stress levels on a day-by-day basis, so that you can be better equipped to cope with the inevitable bumps along your path in life.

Here are a few things you can try to hopefully reduce the stress from day-to-day life.

            Try taking a deep breath:
Don’t ignore it because you might think it’s too simple. Just try sitting quietly somewhere and taking a slow, deep breath. Doing this can help to reduce stress almost instantly. If you find this helps you try setting aside time each day to concentrate on your breathing. Think of it as a form of meditation.

Try asking yourself the 2-2-2- question: The 2-2-2 question is: “Will this matter in 2 weeks?” “Will this matter in 2 months?” “Will this matter in 2 years?” If something seems to be stresses you out, it can be tough to see whether or not it is actually important in your life. Most things, though, will fade in importance after just a few hours or days. In a week or even a year’s time, will these little disasters have any importance or impact on your life? Almost certainly not. By reminding yourself that “this situation too shall pass,” you can avoid some of the stressful events.

Try accepting help from others: Say you’re struggling with a mountain of paperwork in the office, or battling against never-ending mess at home, it might be time to ask for some help. Often, other people will be all willing to lend a helping hand, all you just need to ask. There are some people who worry that asking for help makes them look weak or even unable. The truth is that none of us can achieve great things alone: we all need some help along the way.

Try reducing sources of your stress: Yes this actually might seem too obvious that it’s not even worth mentioning, but have you tried to make an effort to cut down the things that cause the stress? Next time you are around something causes you some stress, try to take a few minutes to brainstorm ways to remove the stress it causes from your life, or to reduce the time you have to spend on it. Just remember you always have options, sometimes you just need to take a step back in life so you can actually see them.
            Try to exercise on a regular basis: As I am sure you already know, exercise is good for your health. You should also know it’s also a great way to reduce your stress levels. When you exercise, your body releases these chemical called endorphins, which make you, feel naturally good. If you’ve ever been out for a jog or even a brisk walk and felt much better about things after you finished. You will know how beneficial exercise can be.

These are just a few things that I have found that helped me along the way with stressful situations and I hope they could also help you in some way.