Sunday, December 30, 2012

Home Remedies for Head Lice

Every person dreads the thought of their child or themselves coming home from work or school with a case of the head lice.


What are head lice?

In case you didn’t know what they are, head lice are a tiny parasites that hides under the hair on the scalp where they feed on blood and reproduce quickly and in numbers that can make them very difficult to eliminate. The bad news is lice can infest people of all ages and prefer clean hair to lay its eggs in! This is because the head louse nits or eggs, stick better to cleaner hairs than oily ones. These nits cannot be dusted off like dandruff. Adult head lice can cause severe irritation through the action of its saliva.


How are they spread?

You’d believe they’re spread by direct physical contact with an infected person; the truth is they can actually step aboard through the use of shared personal items, such as combs, hair brush, towels, bed linen, and such like items.


What are some symptoms of head lice?

The head lice symptoms, of course, are unmistakable – an intense itching on the scalp and the back of the neck. If you where to examine the infected person’s scalp, around the nape of the neck or above the ears, you would find small white nits attached firmly to the hair shafts. This is a sure giveaway of lice infestation.

I have compiled here a list of home remedies for getting rid of these pesky litte critters, but always check with your doctor before trying anything.



Apply mayonnaise thoroughly to the scalp and cover the hair with a plastic bag. Leave it for one hour and heat it with a blow dryer for 5 minutes. Rinse the hair and apply regular hair gel. Use a fine-toothed comb to remove nits and lice.


Vinegar is an excellent home remedy for killing head louse. Simply wash your hair with vinegar and it’ll kill all the lice within two days!

Tea tree oil and olive oil mixture:

Mix olive oil with tea tree oil and apply to the hair and rub into the scalp. Wait for half-an-hour to an hour before washing. Wash the hair to remove the oil and rinse the hair again with vinegar. This would loosen the nits to the hair shaft. Finally comb the hair to get rid of any remaining lice.

Olive oil:

Soak the hair in olive oil and leave it overnight. Wash hair normally to get rid of the oil. This done, rinse now with white vinegar and let it remain for 5 minutes. Afterwards, rinse the hair with lukewarm water to remove the vinegar.

Try making  a very strong solution of salt dissolved in really hot water in a large white bowl or dish pan. Soak your head for about 5 minutes, pouring the solution through your hair to get completely soaked. You can see the lice in the water. Wash your hair with dawn dish liquid, rinse with a 1/2 white vinegar 1/2 water mixture and pour through the hair. Apply conditioner and leave it in. Put on a shower cap or use plastic wrap and leave on at least an hour. Comb through your hair with a lice comb cleaning it out often with an old tooth brush, placing the material on to a white paper towel or tissues. After you have combed every inch of your hair, wash with your regular shampoo with a few drops of oil of peppermint added. Condition as usual and towel dry. Comb out with a wide toothed comb and dry with a hair dryer set on hot. Repeat in 7 days.

You will need:

A jar of petroleum jelly
baby oil
Dawn liquid dish soap
Shower caps
Coconut Shampoo and Conditioner

Right before bedtime slather the petroleum jelly in each affected head really thick, covered the heads with the shower caps(secured the backs with a hair tie)
In the morning remove the caps. Add the baby oil and worked it thru. Then comb thru the hair, everything should come out of the hair easy. Then lather the heads with the Dawn soap, which helps break down the oils, then wash with shampoo and conditioner. You may have to shampoo the hair a few times to get all the oil out especially if it is thick hair.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Facts About Thanksgiving

Everyone knows it as a holiday to eat and eat and eat then pass out watching football but Thanksgiving is much more than that. 

  1. For example did you know that Benjamin Franklin wanted the national bird of United States  to be the Turkey
  2. Sarah Josepha Hale the author of the nursery rhyme “Mary had a little lamb” was the one who persuaded Abraham Lincoln to declare that Thanksgiving become a national holiday
  3. In October 1863 President Abraham Lincoln issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation that the last Thursday in November with be the day for Thanksgiving. 
  4. Each year in the United States there are well over 280 million turkeys sold for Thanksgiving Celebrations. 
  5. Did you know that the average weight of turkey sold here in the United States is around 15 pounds.
  6. The heaviest turkey that was raised weighed 86 pounds which is the size of a large dog. 
  7. The turkey actually does have more protein in it than chicken or beef does.
  8. At their maturity turkeys will have about 3,500 feathers. 
  9. Did you know that there is actually fossil evidence that shows turkeys roamed the americas somewhere around 10 million years ago. 
  10. Around 91 percent of Americans will eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
  11. In America, one of the first animals to be domesticated was the actually the Turkey.
  12. A turkey’s field of vision is actually up to 270 degrees. 
  13. In America the state of Minnesota is the top turkey producing state. 
  14. One of the top desserts for thanksgiving is the pumpkin pie and the largest pumpkin pie made weighed 2,020 pounds  and measured 12 feet long.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays

Yes I am one of those people who say. "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas"...

Some might get offended by that but the reason I say it that way so it not only covers all religions but also and in new years.

I think I try to be more accommodate towards everyone. Sometimes it work, sometimes it don't.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Few Facts about Christmas

There are many, many people around the world who celebrate Christmas so I thought I would put together some different facts about Christmas, and here they are for your enjoyment.

  • Most people think that it is male reindeer that pull Santa’s Sleigh but male reindeer actually shed their antlers around Christmas so the reindeer are not likely male reindeer but female reindeer.
  • The first artificial Christmas tree was made by the Germans and was made out of dyed goose feathers.
  • In the United States alone there are over 3 billion Christmas cards sent out every year.
  • The world’s tallest Christmas tree that was cut was a 221 foot Douglas fir.
  • It was Pope Julius I who was a bishop in Rome in 320 A.D. that proclaimed that December 25th was the official celebration date for the birth of Christ.
  • The world’s largest Christmas stocking measured 106 feet and 9 inches long and over 49 feet wide.
  • Every year there are over 20,000 “rent-a-Santa” across the United States.
  • The first state in the United States to officially recognize Christmas was Alabama in 1836.
  • On June 26, 1870 was when Christmas was officially declared a holiday in the United States.
  • The last state in the United States to declare Christmas a legal holiday was Oklahoma in 1907.
  • There is no real evidence that Christ actual day of birth is December 25th.
  • Santa Claus is based on a real person, St. Nikolas of Myra who lived during the fourth century.
  • The first president to start the white house lighting ceremony was President Coolidge in 1923.
  • Actually there are around 21,000 Christmas tree farms in the United States.
  • Germany was the first country to make a printed reference to a Christmas tree in 1531.
  • The first Christmas postage stamp was issued in the United States in 1962.
  • The earliest known decorations for the Christmas tree were apples.
  • The Christmas card was invented in 1843.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Closer n' Closer

As we draw closer n' closer to Christmas day, I can't wait for my family to get together. As much as they drive me crazy, those days we get together are usually so much fun.

I remember the holiday seasons when we were younger, all the fun we had, and now that we are older we get to watch the younger generation do the same things we did at their age.

I sat in my parents room today wrapping presents for my nephew thinking he will have so much fun opening these. Getting to on purposely rip into things. Even though I think at his age he will have more fun with the paper then anything else..

Wintertime reminds me of curling up on the couch in my PJ's with a cup of hot coco watching holiday movies

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Little Moments

You know after doing some reflecting... I do honestly believe that to enjoy life better you hav to slow down and enjoy the little things in life.

Weather it's slowing down to help the older generation or teaching the younger generation something new, or even taking a nap on a lazy day.

When we start doing the little things in life more, we realize how much happier we can be and usually are in life.

In life we never know what will happen from one moment to the next. So if you slow down and enjoy the little things you will enjoy your life more.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Here we are a week until Christmas and my thoughts turn to those who are no longer with us.

I am comforted by the thoughts that they are no longer in any pain and that they watch over us and guide us.

One of my favorite memories of my Nana is when she would sit there and teach me things. Like how to make things like yarn dolls or teach me how to cook.

So just a few days ago I picked up some yarn and started making the yarn dolls like she used to. While making these dolls (not as good as she used to) I let my mind drift back and remember the good times with her.

So don't forget to remember those who have passed before us this holiday season.

Happy Holidays

Monday, December 17, 2012

Thoughts and prayers

The first of those little angel's funerals begin today.  Two little 6year olds who will never grow up or fall in love and have a family of their own.

What caused this young man who commited this crime to do this? What was so wrong in his life that he had to go and kill 20 innocent children? I don't think we as a nation will ever be able to understand the why's of the situation?

I gotta wonder what was going through that 20yr olds mind when he started the killing spree. On second thought I really don't want to know. It would probably just sicken me even more then the tragedy already does.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Tragic Day

I've been sitting here trying to put into words on the tragic events that happened today in Newton, Connecticut. 

How can a 20yr old guy go in and not only shoot his parents but turn the gun on 20 innocent children?  What in his life could have been so bad that he felt the need to take the lifes of those innocent children?

My heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to not only the town of Newton and the parents, but too those kids also who are left to carry on.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Through the looking glass

When you look in a mirror what do  you see? Do you see the good in yourself or do you only see the negative? Most people will see a lot of the negative in themselves.

We as a society are responsible for how we see ourselves.  To change how we see ourselves, we first have to change the way we think.

Stop talking down about ourselves and stop the negative thinking that we all do.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Inaugural Post

Hello Everyone and welcome to the first of what I hope to be many post's. With this blog I will post daily things that happen in the life of this housewife. and maybe a few insights that could help others with anything that could be going on in their life. I will also try to post things about helping to raise self-esteem. I will try to blog often if not will try for everyday.

Happy Reading