Friday, December 28, 2012

Facts About Thanksgiving

Everyone knows it as a holiday to eat and eat and eat then pass out watching football but Thanksgiving is much more than that. 

  1. For example did you know that Benjamin Franklin wanted the national bird of United States  to be the Turkey
  2. Sarah Josepha Hale the author of the nursery rhyme “Mary had a little lamb” was the one who persuaded Abraham Lincoln to declare that Thanksgiving become a national holiday
  3. In October 1863 President Abraham Lincoln issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation that the last Thursday in November with be the day for Thanksgiving. 
  4. Each year in the United States there are well over 280 million turkeys sold for Thanksgiving Celebrations. 
  5. Did you know that the average weight of turkey sold here in the United States is around 15 pounds.
  6. The heaviest turkey that was raised weighed 86 pounds which is the size of a large dog. 
  7. The turkey actually does have more protein in it than chicken or beef does.
  8. At their maturity turkeys will have about 3,500 feathers. 
  9. Did you know that there is actually fossil evidence that shows turkeys roamed the americas somewhere around 10 million years ago. 
  10. Around 91 percent of Americans will eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
  11. In America, one of the first animals to be domesticated was the actually the Turkey.
  12. A turkey’s field of vision is actually up to 270 degrees. 
  13. In America the state of Minnesota is the top turkey producing state. 
  14. One of the top desserts for thanksgiving is the pumpkin pie and the largest pumpkin pie made weighed 2,020 pounds  and measured 12 feet long.

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