Wednesday, July 31, 2013


What is bullying you may ask?
Well it is an aggressive behavior among people of any age, but more common in school age people. The act of bullying can includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and even excluding someone from a group or activity on purpose.
Verbal bullying: is saying or writing mean things to or about someone. Such as Teasing, Name calling, inappropriate comments, Taunting and even threaten to cause harm to someone.
Social bullying or relational bullying involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationship and can include things such as: leaving someone out of a group or activity on purpose, telling someone not to be friends with someone else, spreading ugly and untrue rumors about someone.
Physical Bullying is an activity that involves hurting a person’s body or their possessions. Physical bullying includes but is also not limited to things such as: Hitting, Kicking, Pinching, Spitting on someone, Pushing, stealing someone’s belongings, Breaking someone’s belongings on purpose, to even making mean or rude gestures to someone.
Who is at risk of being bullied?
Anyone really is at risk. Bullying can happen anywhere and at anytime, but depending on surroundings, some groups of people could be at an increased risk. No single factor puts anyone  at risk of being bullied or bullying others. Bullying can happen anywhere—cities, suburbs, and even rural towns. Depending on the environment, some groups such as: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, those with disabilities, and even socially isolated individuals could be at an increased risk of being bullied. 
Always remember, those who do bully others do not actually need to be stronger or bigger than those that they bully. The power imbalance can come from a number of sources such as: popularity, strength, and even cognitive ability.

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