Wednesday, July 31, 2013


What is bullying you may ask?
Well it is an aggressive behavior among people of any age, but more common in school age people. The act of bullying can includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and even excluding someone from a group or activity on purpose.
Verbal bullying: is saying or writing mean things to or about someone. Such as Teasing, Name calling, inappropriate comments, Taunting and even threaten to cause harm to someone.
Social bullying or relational bullying involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationship and can include things such as: leaving someone out of a group or activity on purpose, telling someone not to be friends with someone else, spreading ugly and untrue rumors about someone.
Physical Bullying is an activity that involves hurting a person’s body or their possessions. Physical bullying includes but is also not limited to things such as: Hitting, Kicking, Pinching, Spitting on someone, Pushing, stealing someone’s belongings, Breaking someone’s belongings on purpose, to even making mean or rude gestures to someone.
Who is at risk of being bullied?
Anyone really is at risk. Bullying can happen anywhere and at anytime, but depending on surroundings, some groups of people could be at an increased risk. No single factor puts anyone  at risk of being bullied or bullying others. Bullying can happen anywhere—cities, suburbs, and even rural towns. Depending on the environment, some groups such as: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, those with disabilities, and even socially isolated individuals could be at an increased risk of being bullied. 
Always remember, those who do bully others do not actually need to be stronger or bigger than those that they bully. The power imbalance can come from a number of sources such as: popularity, strength, and even cognitive ability.

Home Remedy for Frozen Car Door Locks

Home Remedy for Frozen Car Door Locks
This winter season we all might have to deal with the dread of our car door locks being frozen over. If this happens to you and you have no deicer around, you can try one of these simple soloutions to fix the problem.
1) Try heating the key with a flame from either a match or a lighter, then insert it into the lock.
2) A good remedy is to pour boiling hot water down  the sife of the car door, and allow the heat to do its job.
After you get into the frozen car you want to avoid opening the other frozen doors until the car has had a chance to warm up so. Otherwise you might not be able to get them to shut the right way ever again.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Homemade Body Butter

Ever wanna try body butter but dont want to pay the store prices on them? Try this homemade recipie for Body Butter:

Homemade Body Butter
What you will need:

1/4 cup grated cocoa butter
1 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp avocado oil
1 tbsp grated beeswax
1 ovenproof glass container
1 container  with a lid to hold excess body butter

Combine all the ingredients in an ovenproof glass container. Place the container with the mixture in a pan with a 1- to 2-inch water bath. Melt the oils and wax gently. Pour the melted mixture into a clean jar and allow to cool. Stir the cooled mixture. Spread the butter on your body and massage into the skin.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Homemade Oven Cleaner

Homemade Oven Cleaner

Got a dirty oven? Wanna know some of the best defense against a dirty oven? Want to prevent spills before they even happen?

If you suspect that you might have a dish that will bubble over during baking, try to place it on a cookie sheet before putting it in the oven, and problem solved.

Do you have rough, baked-on grease? Try and use this remedy.

1 box baking soda (16 ounces)

1/4 cup washing soda

1 container

1. In a container, mix both the ingredients well.
2. Make sure the oven is off. Wet the bottom of the oven and walls of the oven and generously sprinkle the mixture on the surface. Repeat this process until mixture is all gone and let sit overnight.
3. In the morning, wipe the mixture and the grease away, rinsing well to remove any filmy residue.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Homemade Shea Butter Soap

Homemade Shea Butter Soap
2 cups glycerin soap base, melted in a double boiler
2 tbsp shea butter, melted separately
several drops of your favorite essential oil
Melt 2 cups of glycerin soap base in a double boiler.
Mix all ingredients together well.
Pour into molds or you can use regular food storage containers, and allow to cool.

Non-streaking Spray Glass Cleanser

Non-streaking Spray Glass Cleanser

Want to clean your windows, but don’t like the streaks? Try this homemade remedy:

1)    Use crumpled newspaper instead of paper towels for lint-free results.

2)     1/4 cup white vinegar  1 tablespoon cornstarch  2 cups warm water 1 spray bottle

3)    Mix all the ingredients into the spray bottle and shake well until the cornstarch is dissolved. Spray the mixture liberally onto glass surface. Wipe dry with a clean cloth or newspapers, buffing to a streak-free shine.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Learning New Things for This Housewife

So I have decided to do something that I've always wanted to do. I have always wanted to learn to crotechy (sp?). So I went to my mom and made her teach me. She started by teaching me just a single stitch after a day she taught me to do the granny square. 

Now that stitch is alot harder then I thought and now with alot of practice I have gotten it down and have created this. Pretty blanket that has an almost antique look to it

Friday, March 22, 2013

Important things to remember #3

Some Of The Most Important Things To Remember In Life
1) Laugh a lot. A good sense of humor cures almost all of life's ills.
2) Your life can be what you want it to be.
3) Reach for your peak, your goal, and your prize.
4) The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets.
5) Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
6) Realize that it's never too late.
7) Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
8) Take the time to wish upon a star.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Important Things pt. 2

Some Of The Most Important Things To Remember In Life

Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
Always choose life.
Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.
However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
Believe in miracles.
All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
The best is yet to come.
No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Important thing to remember Pt.1

Some Of The Most Important Things To Remember In Life
  1. Never give up on anybody.
  2. Miracles happen every day.
  3. Be brave even if you’re not, pretend to be.
  4. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly.
  5. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.
  6. Strive for excellence, not perfection.
  7. Don't waste time grieving over past mistakes. Learn from them and move on.
  8. When someone hugs you let them be the first to let go.
  9. Don't expect life to be fair.
  10. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
  11. Remember that nobody makes it alone.
  12. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who help you.
  13. Never underestimate the power of a kind word or deed.
  14. Watch for big problems. They disguise big opportunities
  15. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
  16. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
  17. Stay in touch.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Make your own Fabric Softner

Who doesn’t like to use fabric softener in their laundry? I know I do, but I get tired of spending money on the product. Here is my solution: Try saving an old fabric softener or detergent bottled (make sure you rinse it out well). Using a funnel carefully pours the following items into the rinsed out bottle:

·         2 cups vinegar

·         2 cups baking soda

·         4 cups hot water

Make sure you are careful when adding the baking soda in, does it very slowly because it will foam up on you. Place the cap back on the bottle and shake gently from side to side, carefully reopen the cap to allow some air to escape. Add about 20 drops of your favorite essential oil smell.

Before each use shake the bottle from, because the baking soda will settle to the bottom of the bottle. Pour just past the line in the fabric dispenser, and toss the ball in and that's it. This cheap and environmentally friendly version. It's safe to use on your children's sleepwear. It doesn't diminish the absorbency of your towels or clothes because it does not coat the fabric.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Make your own Fabric Freshner

With the ever rising cost of just about everything we use, I have been finding ways on saving money where ever I could. I love to use fabric freshner to freshen up the house. I found that I can make my own freshener for quite a bit less.

What you will need:

A spray bottle

1 part baking soda

1 part fabric softener

2 part warm water


All you do is mix all three of these ingredients in the spray bottle and enjoy the fresh smell of your own homemade fabric freshener. It can be a great money saver especially if you spray your couches, rugs and other items quite a bit. If you want a certian smell from the frabric freshner like say Lavender just a few drops of essentail oils to the spray bottle and give it a gental few shakes and spray away, and enjoy the smell of a fresh home.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Helpful ways to reduce stress in your life

Do you ever feel stressed? Yeah I know it’s a silly question. Modern life can bring so many worries, fears and anxieties that you probably feel stressed at least occasionally … and even perhaps a lot more often than that. You could be facing a demanding boss, a difficult colleague, a mountain of debt, a rebellious family member, or even a computer that’s crashed and taken all your files with it, stress often seems like an inevitable part of everyday life.

For the most part, it’s not a realistic prospect to avoid stressful situations altogether. Instead, you have to find ways to reduce your stress levels on a day-by-day basis, so that you can be better equipped to cope with the inevitable bumps along your path in life.

Here are a few things you can try to hopefully reduce the stress from day-to-day life.

            Try taking a deep breath:
Don’t ignore it because you might think it’s too simple. Just try sitting quietly somewhere and taking a slow, deep breath. Doing this can help to reduce stress almost instantly. If you find this helps you try setting aside time each day to concentrate on your breathing. Think of it as a form of meditation.

Try asking yourself the 2-2-2- question: The 2-2-2 question is: “Will this matter in 2 weeks?” “Will this matter in 2 months?” “Will this matter in 2 years?” If something seems to be stresses you out, it can be tough to see whether or not it is actually important in your life. Most things, though, will fade in importance after just a few hours or days. In a week or even a year’s time, will these little disasters have any importance or impact on your life? Almost certainly not. By reminding yourself that “this situation too shall pass,” you can avoid some of the stressful events.

Try accepting help from others: Say you’re struggling with a mountain of paperwork in the office, or battling against never-ending mess at home, it might be time to ask for some help. Often, other people will be all willing to lend a helping hand, all you just need to ask. There are some people who worry that asking for help makes them look weak or even unable. The truth is that none of us can achieve great things alone: we all need some help along the way.

Try reducing sources of your stress: Yes this actually might seem too obvious that it’s not even worth mentioning, but have you tried to make an effort to cut down the things that cause the stress? Next time you are around something causes you some stress, try to take a few minutes to brainstorm ways to remove the stress it causes from your life, or to reduce the time you have to spend on it. Just remember you always have options, sometimes you just need to take a step back in life so you can actually see them.
            Try to exercise on a regular basis: As I am sure you already know, exercise is good for your health. You should also know it’s also a great way to reduce your stress levels. When you exercise, your body releases these chemical called endorphins, which make you, feel naturally good. If you’ve ever been out for a jog or even a brisk walk and felt much better about things after you finished. You will know how beneficial exercise can be.

These are just a few things that I have found that helped me along the way with stressful situations and I hope they could also help you in some way.


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Terrible Two's

So the terrible two's are in full swing at my house. As well as the "what's that" phase. It can be quite frustrating when all you hear every two seconds all day long is "what's that" or the temper tantrums. All you want to do is grab the child and scream at them. That is not really good for them or for you. Not only does screaming at them make them cry more it also makes them scared of you, and who wants their child to be scared of them.

As for it not being good for you, while it might make you feel better temporarily in the long run it will never be good. You could start feeling depressed that you acted out like that. or it could even raise your blood pressure. Not to mention other repercussions should you take it a step to far and accidentally injure the child.

Just remember to take a step back from the situation and Breath. Ask for help when you need it or before it goes to far. Try to never let the situation get to far out of hand.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Body Odor

          First of all body odor is a normal phenomenon, and it isn’t really much of a problem under most normal circumstances. Excessive and unpleasant body odor can also be extremely common, however and this can be a source of great discomfort to the individual and to others and also a source of extreme embarrassment to the concerned individual. While all of us have had the unpleasant experience of being subjected to someone’s foul body odor, you very often don’t realize it when the source of that foul smell is yourself. Body odor that is extremely strong can prove to be a source of great embarrassment to an individual and severely damage self confidence. Although the problem of body odor may be non-threatening and seem trivial enough, the implications of the condition are therefore a lot more far reaching.

          If you are plagued with a strong body odor or underarm body odor you need not panic and throw your hands up in despair though. There are plenty of body odor remedies for everyone that can help save you and those around you from unnecessary discomfort. While the use of deodorants and body sprays can help minimize or camouflage the presence of body odor smell, these methods are not always very effective, and may not really solve the problem. They can simply help mask it to some sort of extent. It is important to understand what caused the body odor as this will help to prevent body odor from becoming a problem.

          The human body actually secretes two types of sweat, with eccrine sweat being secreted to regulate and control body temperature such as when the weather is hot or if you exert a lot. This type of sweat is rarely responsible for any body odor. Apocrine sweat however, which is type of exudation is secreted in certain areas like the armpits, groin, hands, and feet is actually the source of the trouble. This type of sweat doesn’t smell either but it has a high fat and protein content and the bacteria react with this type of sweat to release the foul odor.

          There are a lot of misconceptions that people have when it comes to body odor. A common belief is that perspiration is the cause and also a source of the foul smell. Sweat in reality however is odorless. Body odor is actually caused by the activity of bacteria in the sweat. Perspiration is a normal biological process and even a response to certain conditions. We all perspire, but sweat does become a problem when you find yourself suffering from excessive body odor. The source of the foul or fishy body odor is therefore not from the sweat itself, but from the action of bacteria. This is why areas that are more prone to sweating and that remain moist are more likely to emanate such a foul odor. The feet, armpits, breasts and groins are therefore a lot more susceptible to the problem because of the higher perspiration in these areas. Keeping these areas clean and dry is therefore the most promising approach to help get rid of body odor.

          Nutritional deficiencies are however a very likely cause of body odor. Zinc deficiency is not uncommon and is very often a possible cause of body odor, as zinc is necessary for detoxification in the body and the waste management process. Blood sugar imbalances can also have an effect on body odor. Body odor may be due to serious illness. Body odor may be due to kidney disease, fungal infections liver disease and so on If you take some strong medicines then the smell of those medicines may be present in your body odor. Diabetic patients may smell of acetone because of insulin that they take. If you drink alcohol, smoke cigarette or cigar you will have an unpleasant body odor. Body odor may also be due to zinc deficiency, cavities, toxins and so on. It is often related with sweating of the body, but the unpleasant odor is mainly due to bacteria present in the sweat. The major non-food reason for body odor due to sweating is the sweat glands under the arms and in the groin area. Poor hygiene is the most common reason for body odor

          The most important step you need to take to eliminate body odor would be to maintain high levels of personal hygiene. Make sure you have a bath regularly and use a scrubber and anti-bacterial soap to help cleanse your skin. Make sure you pay particular attention to areas on your body that are most prone to sweating. Levels of bacterial fauna and activity on the skin differ from each person  and high levels of bacterial fauna can make the problem of body odor seem a lot more severe, and it would be necessary to bathe a lot more frequently. Dry yourself well after baths and also make it a point to use and antibacterial and antifungal powder or even baby powder. Wearing clean clothes and making sure that you wash clothes well to get rid of body odor in clothes is just as important. Sweating isn’t just caused by heat and humidity, it is also caused by exertion, stress, nervousness, and even certain foods as well.

          Sweating is however only a minor nuisance at worst. Unusual changes in patterns of perspiration should however cause some concern, and changes in body odor, or an increase in body odor, should also be attended to. Such changes could be indicative of the presence of some underlying medical condition. A prompt medical diagnosis and treatment of the underlying condition would help to eliminate the problem. Body odor is one of the unpleasant things that we don’t really expect. Body odor is affected by what sweat glands emit.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wind n Rain Poem

When the Rain begins to fall, and the winds begin to whirl.

Echos  slow, so soft and true. A story so old and new.

Sea and air become one, as the clouds crackle from golden hues.

The rockey tides of yesterdays turn to the calm seas of todays and tomorrows.



Words Poem

Words are words and nothing more, but if said wrong they will burn you to the core

They can make you cry and run into the night. These words that cut you like a knife.

Who understands? Who ever could? Words that wound so deep, They may never heal.



Silent Dream Poem

A dreamers silent dream the words whispered not so clear.

Her confidence demurred from a night of slumbering mirth.

Reality is blurred, reveling absurd.

A dreamers silent dream, a tone so sweet no one can hear.






Anxiety is something that we all experience at one time or another. With Anxiety we can experience a wide range of emotions, from both positive and even negative. Negative emotions such as anger, fear, and apprehension are a normal response to an unpleasant or even dangerous situations, and are in fact necessary for survival.
However these emotions can get out of hand and occur without any stimulus, even to the point of disrupting our daily activities and harming our health. Unlike a physical disease or medical condition, there are no specific causes of anxiety. A variety of causes can combine to have a negative effect on any one person, ultimately resulting in a anxiety disorder.
The body’s chemical processes, one’s life experiences, and many other factors play a role. There can be specific elements of your life and environment that make you anxious and contribute to the problem of anxiety, such as work pressure, academic expectations, or major illness, or there can be a general existential crisis.

Constant worry can also cause panic attacks. No one should be forced to live their life with anxiety. Anxiety can be a devastating disorder, and even mild anxiety – the type that you can handle in your day to day life – has the potential to hold you back in ways you may not even realize. That's why curing anxiety is so important, and that's why anyone living with anxiety deserves to find relief. Yet few people do, and that's because the options for fighting anxiety aren't that popular. There is no such thing as a rapid cure for anxiety, which is why many people turn to home remedies.

Negative Effects of Anxiety

Chronic stress and anxiety is never a good thing. Not only does your capacity to enjoy all of the beautiful things in life diminish, but you are usually unable to achieve goals that you have set for yourself or maintain a healthy relationship with family and friends. Your emotional wellbeing comes under attack when anxiety takes over your daily routine.

The risk for heart disease and stroke also rises, as the heart and circulatory system are greatly affected by physiological stress with artery restriction and an increased heart rate. Some people attempt to cope with their anxiety by modifying their diet. This physical response can lead to such things as eating disorders, for example: binge eating, bulimia, and anorexia. Sleeping difficulties may additionally impair your performance at school or work, influence your social skills.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Enough is Enough Poem

It start’s with one word, the one little word you accidently blurt out.

Day by day they torment you, that it seems like they are never going to mend

Whenever will your heart mend?

When is enough going to be enough?




(This is a quick little poem that I wrote the other day)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Home Remedies for a sprain

What is a sprain? A sprain can be described as an injury in which the tissues around the injured site get torn. These tissues, better known as ligaments, are extremely soft. They connect two or more bones together to form the joint. When you get a sprain, the ligaments get worn out and tear apart. Wrists, ankles and knees are the areas on the body that are more susceptible to sprains. Some of the common causes of sprain can be sudden fall, a forceful blow to the body, twisting, stepping on an uneven surface or even lifting heavy objects and over-stretching of the ligaments. Though it is not a fracture, sprain can be just as painful as a fracture. Through the following lines, I will try and tell you how to treat a sprain with home remedies.

Home Remedy for Sprain

·        The most effective way to treat sprain would be to apply cold compress on the area and cover it with a bandage.

·        For a foot sprain, the best bet would be to put a tbsp of black coffee in the bandage and wrap the hurt foot with it.

·        A simple way to get relief from pain and cure sprain would be to soak the outer leaves of a small cabbage in water. Now, wrap the sprained area with these leaves and let them remain there for about 10 to 15 minutes or until the leaves are dry.

·        In a large bowl of warm water, put a few drops of lavender oil. Soak the affected area in this water.

·        A popular remedy for sprain is to massage the affected area with a mixture of almond oil and garlic oil.

·        Try chopping some onions and wrap them in a muslin cloth. Place the cloth on the affected area for some time.

·        In a cup mix together sunflower oil, mix 1 tsp of camphor oil. Massage the affected area with this oil mixture. It should provide immense relief from the pain of the sprain.

·        An effective oil combination would comprise of a mixture of 2 tbsp sunflower oil and 1 tbsp turpentine oil. Store the mixture in a glass jar in a safe area and massage the sprained area with it, on a daily basis until the sprain is healed.

·        Try a hot Epsom salt bath as a way to cure sprained area.

·        In a bowl, try mixing together a tsp of natural honey; add 1 tsp of lime juice. Massage this mixture on the affected area to treat sprains.

·        Prepare a paste by blending together lime leaves and butter. Apply the paste over a sprained area and leave it there for some time. This should help the sprain.

·        To get relief from the pain experienced during sprain, add five drops of thyme oil to your bathing water and have a hot tub bath.

·        Apply olive oil and egg yolk on the affected part, cover with a cotton pad and bandage for two days to get relief from sprain. Repeating the bandage process again after two days.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Fight to WIn Poem

This is just a little poem i wrote i quickly wrote down.
Your not good enough and never will be.

You are worthless and ment to be alone.

Just a pawn in this game called life.


Fight to survive. Fight to find joy.

You are good and more then enough.

Find the life you deserve.

So you will never be alone.

Fight to win this game called life.




Friday, January 4, 2013

Negativity and the World

The world is a very negative place in which to live, and everyone is guilty of being negative at one point or another in their life. The question is how do we end the negative? Well you can not entirely get rid of the negative in the world, but you can start with getting rid of the negative thoughts in your head.
The use of negative thoughts against yourself can become your own worst enemy. Negative thoughts can turn into anger and the anger can become dangerous. Anger can cause you to do things like self-harm or to harm others. Self-harm for example can be anything from cutting yourself to drugging yourself, to even constantly putting yourself down so bad that you have virtually no self-esteem at all.
How do you set about to change it all? All the negative thoughts and the anger that is swirling around in your head and in your life? How do you change your life for the better?
It all starts with the little steps I say. Try first by standing in the mirror and looking at yourself. Find something positive to say about yourself or try finding something that makes you happy and do that more often. The little things that you begin to change in life will begin to make the positive impact.
Once your take that first step towards a more positive life you will find things are getting better. Once things get better in your corner of the world, you will start to notice that not everything is so bad in the whole world.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Stain Removal

Being a house wife I have had to deal with stained items from time to time, so I have made a list of some tricks and tips on removing stains from different items.


1.     If you have a linen that has a lipstick stain, try treating it with petroleum jelly, then wash with hot water.

2.     A paste of baking soda and water removes perspirations stains and odor when rubbed on a garment before you throw it in your machine.

3.     If you have hands that are stained from vegetables, you can easily clean them by rubbing them with a slice of wet potato.

4.     Got fruit or wine stains on your tablecloth or towels. Try covering the stain immediately with salt let stand a short time. Wash in cool water.  

5.     To remove a soil or grease spot for a nylon or wool rug, just apply cornstarch to the soiled area, rub with a nylon vegetable brush and then vacuum.

6.     A good way to take paint spots off of windows is to try hot vinegar.

7.     Have hardened paintbrushes laying around, fix them by soaking them first in vinegar then in hot soapy water, pat dry and they should be good as new.

8.     To get out rings from most shirt collars, rub hair shampoo into the collars. Wash as usual.  

9.     To remove tar from a vinyl floor, carefully scrape or the excess, then rub vigorously with margarine or butter. Scrape again, then wipe dry with a cloth.

10.             To remove rust and tea stains from fabric, soak in lemon juice, then hang in the sunshine.

11.            To try and clean ball point ink from most clothing, apply rubbing alcohol before washing.

12.            Got ink marks from your frozen food packages left on your formica countertops, use window cleaner. There's no abrasive in it, and it leaves a nice shine.

13.            Use shortening to make short work of removing oil or tar from work clothes--just rub some on the spot and wash as usual.

14.            Have water marks on wood finishes, rub in some mayonnaise. Let it stand an hour or two then wipe with a soft cloth.

15.            When babies or pets have an accident on the rug or mattress, wash with a vinegar and water solution to take away the stain. Then fill a saucer with vinegar and set it in the room to get rid of the odor.

16.            Have a burned pan, clean it by filling it with boiling water and add a few tablespoons of white vinegar. Let it set for a while and then you'll be surprised how clean it rinses.

17.             If you have a stain on the carpet try using foaming shaving cream to get it out... Blot with a clean light colored towel... Rinse with cool water. Blot to dry!

18.            Have water and age stains on antique linens try using milk, just put a few pages of newspaper in a tub with a gallon of milk and drop the linens in and let them soak...Then gentle rinse , one gentle wash with laundry soap and rinse again, not wring ,pat and towel dry the item out and lay flat to dry.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Home remides for migraines

A migraine is a headache known to have severe pounding or pulsing that can commonly start in the forehead area and moves toward the side of the head and even around the eyes. It is a form of a type of vascular headache which affects around 28 million Americans, with women being affected more often than men in the general population.

During a migraine attack, the temporal artery in the head, which is found just under the skin of the temples, enlarges and causes nerves to stretch around the temporal artery. The increasing enlargement of this artery will intensify the pain. Untreated migraines most commonly last anywhere from four to and even surpassing 72 hours, and could even persist for weeks. If your headache is accompanied by convulsions, fever, severe mental confusion, or any type of acute pain around your face or ears, you should contact your doctor or local hospital immediately.


I have got a list of some home remedies for migraines for people to try:

·        Apply grated ginger/ ginger paste on your forehead and lie down for 15/20 mins. then gently wipe away with a moist luke-warm cloth.

·        Try a tea made up of fresh rosemary, thyme, ginger, cinnamon, and added a touch of natural honey. It spicy, delicious teas that can really help make you feel better.

·        Try using Vicks VapoRub original scent. Massage the salve into your temples, on your forehead, and cheek bones. Do not to get salve in eyes, do NOT put on eye lids or directly under your eyes. The vapor may make your eyes water a bit but the head should go away.

·        Try a cup of valerian tea with a teaspoon ginger and natural honey in it works but you have to drink the tea when u feel the first symptoms of a migraine starting as valerian is tradionally used as some form of sedative, because it helps to relax your body.

·        Try placing an ice pack at the nape of the neck and/or surround your head with an ice wrap. This immediately reduces inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain, relieving the primary cause of pain.

·        Place a single drop of pure essential oil of Peppermint on the tongue, and another on the skin, at the area where the diaphragm is located. Peppermint oil is known for its cooling and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its centuries-old reputation as an effective aid against vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.

·        You could also try placing a 1/2 tsp. of cayenne pepper in 8 oz. of water, hot or cold - if you use hot water, it will "steep" the cayenne and make the drink even hotter. Sip the cayenne mixture until headache is gone. If you use hot water try keeping a glass of cool water nearby if the heat becomes too much for you.


·        You could try grinding fresh ripe grapes and drink without adding any water to help with the relief of a migraine.

·        Try drinking a glass of some sort of caffeinated drink. The caffeine can help ease the migraine pains.

·        You could also try taking an herb called Kava it is a very useful alternative for migraines, its properties of this herb allows a very peaceful sedative feeling which helps to achieve a deep state of relaxation these effects reduce migraine headaches, improve sleep without diminishing concentration. Take 180 mg. a day for only three days in a row. Kava is a very powerful herb; high levels can have adverse effects on the liver. Do not take more than the recommended dosage.

·        Massaging the forehead with primrose oil is beneficial in curing migraine. It works as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, preventing any kind of constriction in the blood vessels

·        Include garlic in your diet. Either chew a piece of garlic in the raw form or mix it with other food items.

·        Take some sandalwood powder and add a few drops of water to it, so as to form a paste. Apply this paste on the forehead and let it dry. Once dry, rub it off by hand and wash it.


Hope one of these methods help with your migraines in some form.